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June 01, 2016


Pst William Kumuyi - Your Best To God



Title: Your Best To God

Date: Wednesday June 1, 2016

Text: 2 CHRONICLES 8:14-18

Key Verse: "Then went Solomon to Ezion-geber, and to Eloth at the seaside in the land of Edom" (2 Chronicles 8:17).

The well respected British classical scholar, Thomas Morell (1703-1784) is remembered by many for his skill in Natural History and Open Literature. One of his memorable quotes is:

"The first great gift we can bestow on others is a ‘Good Example'".

God gave us a good example of perfect giving when He gave the very best that He has in heaven. Jesus is that good and perfect gift that came from the presence of the Father to save mankind from sin. Jesus, Himself gave the best that He had when His blood was shed and His life taken at Calvary. The passage we have just read pictures King Solomon giving the best that he could find for the building of a worship place for God. Solomon's heart was at this time filled with love for God, and his giving reflected the love that was in his heart.

As recipients of His grace, we also ought always to show our love, reverence and devotion to God by giving the most costly and valuable things we can afford in service to His Kingdom. When it is time to give for the work of His Kingdom, we may have to recall our treasures which are stacked up in distant places to honour the Lord. It is not appropriate for those who possess His material blessings to give only a widow's mite.

The God from whom we seek the greatest things for life and eternity has right to the greatest things of our possession and wealth. Therefore, what are you going to give to God this day? Your time, intellect, money or other material possessions? Yes, all these you may give, but remember to give also your very best, that is, your heart and your life.

Thought for the day: Be not possessed with your possession, use them to God's glory.

Bible Reading in one Year: 1 SAMUEL 25 - 26

DLCM Daily Manna is an inspirational devotional written by Pastor W.F. Kumuyi. Pastor Kumuyi is the founder and overseer of Deeper Life Bible Ministries.

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