#116BlogPost: Church You, Home You, School You - TheEvansOsinaike [@evansosinaike] - Pricherman116.com | Nigerian / Foreign Gospel Songs | Christian Hip Hop | News | Interviews | Events

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November 16, 2017

#116BlogPost: Church You, Home You, School You - TheEvansOsinaike [@evansosinaike]

Where is the real you? Aren't there different versions of You?

There is the School You; polite and obedient to Lecturers, then slandering and slamming them as soon as they turn their backs or in the hostel.

Let's not forget the Friend You; you feel like you need to prove that you’re not boring or “too churchy” to the random people in class and school, so you swear and talk like them so you can  be "accepted".

Then there’s the Family You at home; that You that retreats to your room always so you don’t get the inquisition from your family. The You that politely talks about nothing with your parents so they don’t ask too many questions about the Friend You.

What about Church You? Don't you know exactly what your leaders want to hear, so you give them all the right answers? This You is fitted with the "right" phrases and Bible verses, with juicy salvation experience stories, but you bend to every other wind of "doctrine" without conviction.

Let’s cut to the chase: God knows all about the different versions of You that you put out there. He knows if you’re being honest or not.

Read Psalm 139. God knows everything about you
Verses 1-5

"O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off.
You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.
You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me."

Don't be afraid. It's an amazing thing that God knows you. Why? You don't have to pretend in front of God. God loves you even though he knows you're not being honest. Because God loves you, he doesn't want you to get trapped in "the game". God knows, God loves, but he also saves. Hence, you are free to be the Real, Redeemed You.

The Redeemed You is able to love others properly because you don’t have to perform. You don’t have to be trapped by what other people think of you.

You can just love people even when they’re not perfect, because that’s what God has done for you.

You can serve people because you don’t have to compete to have the best reputation.

You can be yourself because even if other people don’t accept you, through Jesus you are loved and accepted by the One who really matters.

From today, let the Real You stand up.


Connect with TheEvansOsinaike:

LinkedIn: Evans Ayo Osinaike
Instagram: @the.evans.osinaike
Twitter: @evansosinaike
Facebook: Evans Ayo Osinaike

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.Indeed God knows us far more than we know ourselves and loves us that way. He is ready to save, redeem and see us turn out just the way he has ordained. You are who God says you are. And that in itself is a step in unveiling the real YOU


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