#116BlogPost: The Quiet Ride By TheEvansOsinaike | @evansosinaike - Pricherman116.com | Nigerian / Foreign Gospel Songs | Christian Hip Hop | News | Interviews | Events

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November 24, 2017

#116BlogPost: The Quiet Ride By TheEvansOsinaike | @evansosinaike

“Be Still and Know That I Am God.” Psalm 46:10

Hastily I finished my last appointment on Capitol Hill and made a mad dash for Union Station and not a minute too early, as I arrived one minute before the Acila Express left for New York. I presented my ticket and walked at a fast pace down to Track 15, where I jumped aboard the first Business Class car available. After stowing my luggage I settled in my seat just as the train slowly pulled out of the station. My cell phone rang and just as soon as I began the conversation a lady a couple of rows forward turned to me with her finger to her lips and pointing to the sign overhead which read “Quiet Car.”

The sign explained the rules of the Quiet Car: no talking, no cell phones, no standing in the aisles. In other words, that translates to be quiet and be still, so reluctantly, I did. Where I would normally pull out my laptop, do mail and make phone calls, now about all I could do was sit, read, watch and listen, and I did a little of each.

First, I took out my Encounter devotional and my Bible and proceeded to pour through the scriptures. I just sat back and listened. Listened to God and listened to my inner self. I spent a lot of time looking out the window. A record snowfall had turned the countryside into a winter wonderland. What a sight as the train picked up speed and we traversed the countryside of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I saw God’s majestic hand in the beautiful ice formations and in the drifts of snow. It was as if I could see God himself. It was an awesome quiet time and when the train pulled into Penn Station, I got off a rejuvenated man, all because I had jumped on the Quiet Car.

As I was pondering what to write on this week, I came across this excerpt from 2008 piece by former US senator Justin Grant. It immediately struck a distinct chord in my heart and I just had to share my thoughts on it.

This experience of Senator Justin on the train has given me a lot to think about, and I believe God is asking you: “How are you with your quiet time?” Just yesterday at the automobile factory I work at, I was again reminded of the need for a quiet time. I had decided to move around the massive company when I stumbled on a normal looking room, with a large sign which greeted me with a bold “soundproof area, no noise please“. Unfortunately, it was locked. How symbolic is that of our individual personal places.

God’s quiet time formula is much like His stewardship formula: “The more you give, the more you receive.” I have found that when I do carve out a time for God, preferably at the beginning of the day, though at first my schedule says I don’t have time, I have to respond and make time. And, When I do, somehow God always stretches my schedule and I am more productive than ever.

This period is without doubt the busiest season of my life and it's so easy to shut God out of the schedule, but all the more reason for the Master to gently remind me, whether through a sign on an office door, or one random blog post.

Psalm 119:9 (NIV)
How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.
Every day we need to be reminded to spend time with Him and then pull apart before you fall apart. I highly recommend the quiet ride, symbolically every day in every life.


Connect with TheEvansOsinaike:

LinkedIn: Evans Ayo Osinaike
Instagram: @the.evans.osinaike
Twitter: @evansosinaike
Facebook: Evans Ayo Osinaike

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... True! As busy as life gets, we yet still need to make out time for God. A quiet ride is all we need. Thanks for reminding me to take my quiet time seriously, to make out time for God and to look beyond the limitation of time.


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