#116BlogPost: "GOD DOESN'T EXIST" By TheEvansOsinaike [@evansosinaike] - Pricherman116.com | Nigerian / Foreign Gospel Songs | Christian Hip Hop | News | Interviews | Events

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November 07, 2017

#116BlogPost: "GOD DOESN'T EXIST" By TheEvansOsinaike [@evansosinaike]

I am a Born again Christian. I was born into a Christian home in Lagos, Nigeria, to zealous Missionary parents. My Dad has spent well over seventy percent of his life in the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ across Nigeria and beyond. Momma boasts a successful children ministry which she is now committed to after a previous spell with the language church. Obviously, God has been an integral part of my upbringing in daily devotions, countless church programs and yes, my personal experience of the delightful salvation.

It was therefore, a shock to my senses, and to the very core of my existence, when I encountered atheism for the first time; living souls echoing in curious tandem the non-existence of God. I was frazzled to hear and see multitudes hungrily slurping down scientific evidence to establish the basis of their own existence as opposed to the Biblical story of creation.

Apparently, it is logical that via a big bang, this whole perfectly synchronized universe came to be, and not by a great mind capable of developing, and maintaining systems. It is logical that they, definitely they, evolved from monkeys and apes; choosing rather to share ancestry with pets and zoo habitants than to entertain the possibility that they possess the breath of life.

This is my logical verdict. Imagine some deadly plague wipes out all human life from this planet. There is not one human left, and the Earth as we know it is no more. Imagine some two million years from now, a party of aliens come across Earth and begin to search her for any trace of intelligent life. During their excavations, they come across a barely whole Lamborghini Aventador, buried beneath millenia of debris and rocks and all what not. After analysis of the specimen, do you think they would come to the conclusion that the piece of machinery, was not the offshoot of an intelligent mind, but a mere coincidence, a result of some nuclear fusion?

World-renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. Benjamin Carson, in his best selling book, "Take the Risk", posited: "As sophisticated as we are, with all our MRIs and our PET scanners, we have yet to discover the origin of a thought. We don’t know the origin of a feeling. We can talk about electro-physological responses, but we cannot take it to the next level; we cannot put that in a box. I think that’s one of the things that makes us different [emphasis added].” He then continued, “I simply don’t have enough faith to believe that something as complex as our ability to rationalize, think, plan, and have a moral sense of what’s right and wrong just appeared.”

I would leave you with this. If God really does not exist, I would have lived my life believing a lie, living on a moral and emotional high, with false hopes of an Afterlife that I would never see. I die, and that is all. You, the atheist, live your life without the encumbrance of holy living and eternal worries, and finally, you get to say "I told you so", when upon your death, you discover the absence of either heaven or hell. Sadly though, the technicalities of how your "I told you so" would be passed across to me is still very unclear. However, if on the other hand, God does exist, I, who have lived my life to serve God, would be rewarded in heaven, after a successful life on Earth; while I look over at you, the Atheist, in sad wonder, as you recount the folly of your unbelief. These are but two logical conclusions.

I believe in God. 


Connect with TheEvansOsinaike:

LinkedIn: Evans Ayo Osinaike
Instagram: @the.evans.osinaike
Twitter: @evansosinaike
Facebook: Evans Ayo Osinaike


  1. Wow. Thanks for this. It isnt only a good read but a reassuring exposition on faith and belief in God. I believe in God.

  2. We evolved from primates that looked like what you know as monkeys today. We did not necessarily evolve from monkeys. Monkeys have their own ancestry. The concept of God is the product of the human mind. The intense longing to explain that which science is yet to provide answers to. Once, we all thought the earth was flat, thanks to science, we know better now. As we continue to advance intellectually and by extension, technologically, we'll unravel the mysteries of the universe. And over time, there will be very little reason to believe what you have no empirical evidence exists. Beautiful piece, though. I like believers who are very open-minded as you are. Not very many of them around these days.


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