Tye Tribbett Writes Open Letter To Wife, Taylah As They Celebrate 19 Years Of Marriage | @TyeTribbett - Pricherman116.com | Nigerian / Foreign Gospel Songs | Christian Hip Hop | News | Interviews | Events

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December 13, 2016


Tye Tribbett Writes Open Letter To Wife, Taylah As They Celebrate 19 Years Of Marriage | @TyeTribbett



Hurray! It's been 19 wonderful years since anointed and multiple awards winning gospel music minister, Tye Tribbett walked his wife Taylah down the aisle and the two said yes to being partners for LIFE...

Tye Tribbett wrote an open letter to his wife today as they celebrate the 19th year of their marriage.

Check Tye's open letter below:

Love is not just the butterflies in the belly, or skipping through the fields hand in hand, or blushing on the other line saying "no you hang up first" nor is it the story book fantasy of ecstasy or a frenzy of poetic inspiration. NO!!! Love is also a tough self denying choice and commitment that's not always favorable to our emotions. God loved us so that He "gave" His son (that "gave" involved DEATH by the way) Love is bloody.....and I'm so glad to have a woman tough enough, strong enough and committed enough to keep choosing to love ME! I love you so much my Taylah, you are the epitome of patience grace poise class and AUTHENTICITY! You've upgraded me in every way... n I'm so happy to to celebrate 19 years married to you!❤️ #Anniversary (📸: @drummitup) - Tye Tribbett

We celebrate you on this day Tye & Taylah. May your marriage be continually blessed and fruitful!

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