MIT ME: “I started taking rudiment classes when I was eight years old” - PV Idemudia Reveals In Interview With Pricherman116 Blog | @PVIdemudia - | Nigerian / Foreign Gospel Songs | Christian Hip Hop | News | Interviews | Events

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January 06, 2016


MIT ME: “I started taking rudiment classes when I was eight years old” - PV Idemudia Reveals In Interview With Pricherman116 Blog | @PVIdemudia



Today, we have in the house, a minister of the Gospel of Christ through musicer, Director, Actor and husband. Join us as we journey to meet our first guest on Mit Me in 2016...

Good Morning and welcome to 'Mit Me'; Pricherman116 Blog's Exclusive Interview session. May we meet you sir?

My name is PV IDEMUDIA.  I'm from Edo state, Uromi to be precise. Born into the IDEMUDIA family. First born and first grandson from both parents.

Idemudia is your surname. What does PV mean?

PV means Praise Victory. Those are my names too.

Wow. Cool and powerful names you got. Kindly share you education and childhood background with us.

I had a very interesting childhood experience. We were always on the move as my dad was a missionary. I attended three primary schools and five secondary schools. The only disadvantage is that I really don't have childhood friends because we would always lose contact the moment we moved again. After my secondary school I took some music courses and later went ahead to study music production. I mainly trained myself at that as I couldn't afford a good tutor. So far I've worked with loads of artists including Mike Abdul, Samsong, Monique, Chris Morgan, to mention a few. By divine direction I dropped my first album in September 2011. Till date I have released three albums... The fourth in the kitchen.

Awesome. How did you discover your gift? I mean music.

Music came early for me as I  started taking rudiment classes when I was eight years old. I was exposed to the theoretical aspect of music quite early and that has helped me in so many ways. At age 9 I told my mum all I will be doing is music. As at then she would refuse, even pray, cast and bind. But glory to God, today she's proud I followed my dreams.

Every parent is usually proud afterwards. Most hardly agree at the beginning though lol. So, what year did you start doing professional music?

April 2005 I started recording songs, and I recorded for 11 years before I release my first work. It was indeed some years of training.

What challenges have you faced doing music. Gospel music?

Just like every field, challenges are normal and common to every success story. I really can't start outlining them now. But through it all, victory is sure for God's children.


Glory to God. If you were not doing music, what else could you have done?

I would have been miserably miserable.

Looool. Thank God you got your call and responded. Now, youths of today leave their calling; either they ignored it or failed to look for it at all and then chase money. I think It's something we should talk about. What's your take on this?

In life we can only find fulfillment in our God-given purpose. Once you discover it, the responsibility of fulfilling it lies on you. There are no shortcuts in the journey of life. No carry over too. Sometimes going after your dream might appear too difficult, but that's the only way out. There are two pains in life; The pain of regret and the pain of hard work. I choose the latter.

Hmmm. Thanks. Compare the Nigerian Gospel music industry when you started doing music and now, has there been any improvements?

Well in the aspect of good music, yes! But in the aspect of rewards from sales, it's a total mess. The whole system is not good at all. From marketing even to the media.

And do you have some solutions in mind?

Basically if we gospel artistes unite, we can cause a change. That I know.

What projects are you currently working on?

Dropped a new song recently titled 'Ebose', video to 'Worthy To Be Praised' featuring Tanzanian Voices, and my fourth album would soon be out... Basically spreading the brand. Just signed a managerial deal about two months ago. Much to be expected in 2016.


Wow. Congratulations on that. Now this question is not usually asked. You're the first to respond here. When is your birthday?

November 22nd...

Who were the people you looked up to while growing as a music minister? Your role models?

Well... Till date I have fathers in the ministry; Chris Morgan, Mike Abdul, and a host of others.

Good. Where do you see your self in about five years from now?

I hope to be deeper in God in five years time,  also to have touched more lives positively.

Amen. If you had the chance to feature a foreign artiste in your next single, who would it be?

Deitrick Haddon, J Moss, Isreal Houghton or Tye Tribbett.

PV Idemudia and his wife

Before we go, I'd like you to say a few words to your fans, friends and supporters around the globe.

Let's just keep loving Jesus and He will keep lifting us.

Thank you so much for your time here. We appreciate you and look forward to getting more of your support in future. God bless you.

Amen. It's always my pleasure.

Stay tuned for more exciting interviews with your favorite acts. Don't forget to drop your comments and suggestions.

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