Mit Me: Pricherman116 Blog Interviews Tonia Shodunke | @Toniasho1 - | Nigerian / Foreign Gospel Songs | Christian Hip Hop | News | Interviews | Events

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February 25, 2016

Mit Me: Pricherman116 Blog Interviews Tonia Shodunke | @Toniasho1

Good evening and welcome to 'Mit Me' Pricherman116 Blog's exclusive interview session. Can we meet you ma?

Good evening and thanks a lot for having me. My name is Anthonia Shodunke, popularly known as 'TONIA'

Good. Welcome on board Tonia. It's great having you . Can you tell us about your childhood and educational background?

Thank you. Well, growing up for me was fun and very eventful. It was a full house, being the 7th child among 8 siblings. 3 males and 5 females, although I lost my eldest brother in 1988, a very devastating experience. My siblings were fun to be with, because at home, there was never a dull moment. I was born in Maiduguri, but we relocated to Kano, all in the northern part of Nigeria, just about a year after I was born. I went to ECWA Nursery and primary school, then to Race Course primary school. Crossed over to Crescent International Secondary school and eventually to Ahmadu Bello University, where I studied Pharmacy. With Masters in view.

Growing up in the North must have tough. I'm not really sure but how did you live as a Christian in the North?

Smiles. The North is not exactly what we think it is, like 'Big Bad wolves' running around! But yes, there are some restrictions here and there. Places where churches are built are carefully mapped out and areas combed during evangelism have restrictions; but thank God we can also achieve a lot in the spirit when we pray. So no matter what, Jesus is Lord!

Great. How did you begin to do Music? Were you in the church choir department or something?

Oohhh yes! Started right from the children's choir and graduated upwards. I used to accompany my sister's to the main choir rehearsals and that was where I can say I was discovered (smiles) by the then choir director. That passion was fanned then on and grew like wild fire. I discovered a book some time in 2004 titled "Extravagant Worship" by Darlene Zschech; that book ignited an unquenchable zeal in me for worship and service to our Father. It was that same year, purpose was birthed for me.

Wow. Great inspiration. Growing as a music minister, you must have looked up to some people (role models), who are they?

Guess I've mentioned one already, Darlene Zschech, Cece Winans, Yolanda Adams, Don Moen, Sinach, and much recently; Kim Burell, Tasha Cobbs, Sonnie Badu, Nathaniel Bassey.

All great ministers of God... How has the ministry been? Have you enjoyed doing Gospel or sometimes you feel like doing something else?

Well, the Ministry is doing fine but still has much MORE ahead, I believe. We have the mandate to reach the world and until we are there, the work is not yet done. It only calls for us working together as Gospel Ministers, because that way we can achieve more. 1 Cor 15:41 says; " There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory". We have all been made unique for a purpose, so when we all come together, it makes us versatile and our impact more colourful. We owe it to God to raise others up too.

Lol... it all depends on one's perspective, I would say! I enjoy doing gospel because I don't see myself doing it because I'm forced to, but because I am a woman on a mission. I am SENT and when one is sent, you don't speak of your own, but the message of the Sender. John 3:34. KJV says ; "For he whom God has sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him". NIV says "....God gives the Spirit without limit". So you see, His Spirit is given limitlessly when the sent recognises he/she is sent, and speaks what He is told. Apart from that, verse 31 of the same scripture says "He that cometh from above is above all..." . So I am at a position above, why come down? Lol. It all depends on how you see it, it's all dependent on one's perspective. I see Gospel Music taking her place in no time, because it's meant to be ABOVE.

Yeah sure. How did you feel the first time you grabbed the microphone to minister in songs?

Hahahahaa..... that word "grabbed" makes me laugh! Of course I was nervous the first time! Very very, in fact... with all the eyes staring at you and all attention fixed on you. But I have overcome that over time. Anytime I have to minister, I count it a rare privilege and a great responsibility. I know I must deliver and that it must not be anything less.

God has a message, He has blessings in store for His people and as ministers, our responsibility is to bring them right into His presence and to leave them at the 'gate' is great failure! I once had a friend RoseMary Ojiezele that says anytime she's to minister, she gets so nervous that she can't "match an ant" in her own words! . We used to laugh about that and see it from that perspective. It keeps your eyes fixed on God.  And over time I have come to see it not as fear or nervousness, but rather, total dependency on God's grace and power to move. Among His people as you minister.

Glory to God. You are married with kids. How do you manage the home and ministry?

#Smiles... yes I am, two adorable kids. Well, I'm just blessed to have the support of my spouse and cooperation of my kids. I don't know how I would have coped without that. It's been God, and I'm grateful for His help and for wisdom to run effectively with it all.

Glory to God. When did you start doing professional music. I mean recording tracks and all that?

The Era where Artistes spend a lot making songs and videos only for  them to sit on the shelves, is long gone. I've come to learn that PR is vital, so in as much as I have an album in view, for now I have four songs, one video, and others pending release.

Great. If you had the chance to feature a foreign minister on your forthcoming album, who would you consider first?

Hmmmmmnn that's a dicy one! #smiles.... I indeed have nursed featuring a foreign minister, but who exactly would be the first to be considered is what I can't precisely say.  If I should make a go at any foreign minister, it would be Tasha Cobbs, I love her ministry and can evidently see that she loves God and love God's people too. And I can see that we share some 'purpose-traits' in common.

Lol. You must love many of them then. Let's take you five years ahead. Assuming this is year 2021, where do you see your self as a music minister?

God keeps growing me up to the assignment He has called me to do and everyday, there is MORE to the assignment that He reveals. Everyday, He shows me more about who I am. He says "Ok, this is also who you are..." and it is all so beautiful.

So five years from now, I see a worship leader who without fail, leads God's people into His presence, declaring His Faithfulness and using  international platforms as a greater opportunity to fulfill this purpose; because we have been called to minister God's word to the ends of the earth. I see several concerts, bringing together and uniting other great. Ministers across the globe, as we lift up a praise in the earth to God our source. I see several albums, I see books written as a greateye-opener on various topics dear to the Master's heart, not leaving out entrepreneurship.  I see the rise of an innovative tool of influence with a passion for mentorship, heralding the Era of institutions to this effect. I nurse a passion for Africa and even though God is still choosy on what He reveals per time, I see greatness in that arena too. And remember I said He's growing the assignment daily? So I know for sure it's far far far beyond what I just mentioned and it won't be a surprise because He's promised to do "... exceedingly, abundantly, far above all we can ask or imagine"

Absolutely. Your recent tracks were great. Ijoya and African Chrismas. Personally, I saw a lot of creativity and anointing in both songs. Do you have some new stuffs in the kitchen for us?

In the kitchen indeed (lol) Ohh yes I do. There's a worship song coming shortly and another song where I featured my brother and great Minister Obiora Obiwon. So many more still in the process.

Cool. The world is waiting... A couple of questions and we'll be done. Let's digress to the society. Nigeria seems to be going through a tough time especially our economy. What's your said on this. Or your studio session prices reduced with increase in dollar? Lol

Hmmn it's a really serious matter right now. Reminds me of a popular saying my dad always used to quote back then "Tough times never last, tough people do". It is quite sad that such has caught up with us, but it's no time to sit and mourn, rather, it's a time to rise up to the challenge. By inspiration, I wrote an article posted on several blogs on Valentine's day titled "Pain to Gain... the colourful transition"  and it's a must read. It contained my perspective on these issues.

What we seriously need in Nigeria now is creative thinking. I believe there are deposits of greatness, yet to be tapped and such situations come to challenge what we have on the inside. Personally, there are a lot of things we import that we can produce in Nigeria, and once we can adhere to high quality standards; which I know we can once we put our minds to it. But of course, before banning imports of these goods, stable structures should be on ground for the effective kick-starting and sustenance of our own manufacturing firms and patronage. Like I mentioned in the article, there is a lot embedded in our creative economy, from which so much revenue can be generated. This includes Music, the movie industry, fashion, photography, tourism, print media, radio, TV and lots more. We possess a rich cultural expression, that the whole world can glean from. If only we can come together in unity to fan the flames of each other's rising, we can colour a new transition. I tell you, we can set in motion a system that will yield tremendously impressive results!!

God bless you. We all believe in Naija. It's only going to get better. Before you leave, what would you say to young ministers who are just coming up?

Amen.  I would say, no matter what you do, stay glued to the Vine, because everything we desire and everything we aspire to become in this life is found in Him. Please don't become known simply for the sake of being known, but endeavor to add something of value to the World. Enrich the World with the gift and abilities God has given you. Someday, at the end, the trophies will rust, the accolades will fade and all that will remain is the God you serve and the impact you made.
Questions that would resound are: - What do you stand for? - Can you be confident in the person you are becoming? - Whose life is brighter because you were a part of it?

So in all; Stay connected to God just like you spend time with a friend. If you are disconnected from the gift-giver, you will miss out on the full power and purpose of your dream.
Believe in yourself. You are not the observations others have of you; you are the thoughts you have and the actions you take.‎
Endeavor not to sell your morals away, stay true to who you are, be patient and stay faithful while in the process of 'becoming'. The things you learn and imbibe during this time paves the way for your rising and sustains you even when you have attained your dreams.
Acknowledge God in all your ways and He will direct your paths. Make Him known in everything you do for He deserves all the glory.‎

Psalm 37:4 says; 'Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.'

Great word. You're just a box of blessings... I've really been inspire and I'm sure every one reading this is too. On a final note, say a word or two for your fans and friends all over the world. ‎

#BroadSmiles..... thanks for having me, I'm glad to share the little I know!
To all the gorgeous and wonderful people out there, I want to say, you are all the best!

Do all you can to stay true to yourselves, no matter what the situation may be. Hold on through thick and thin, even though I know it may not seem easy when you're going through difficult situations; but trust me, God is Faithful and ALWAYS there to help you out, once you call on Him. He wants to use you to encourage and uplift someone out there. Keep your dreams alive, be faithful in little and God will uplift you. Walk tall and talk smart, you never know who is drawing strength from you.

All in all.... I LOVE YOU ALL and I am committed to giving my best at all times.
God bless you all!!!!

Gracias! We celebrate you always and we hope you'll gladly respond to our calls in subsequent times if need be.

#Smiles... You are always welcome. And of course I will.

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