My Typical Music (MTM) With Sam Adedayo - Tips To Be A Better Singer (Vol. 1) - | Nigerian / Foreign Gospel Songs | Christian Hip Hop | News | Interviews | Events

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December 29, 2015


My Typical Music (MTM) With Sam Adedayo - Tips To Be A Better Singer (Vol. 1)



Compliments of the season from me to you.
Christmas' still in the air and the year ends in a couple of days. I wish you a profitable 12 months of endeavor in 2016...

Sequel to our pausing point in the last post, I told us contemporary gospel music will to a large extent be our case study, but much lessons on tips to be a better singer that will be discussed here will be useful for everyone.

In an attempt to sing good or better, the first factor we need iron out is:


I have emphasized this over time and I am sure I can't over do it. Good or want to be good singers don't eat whatever that comes their way, eat anytime, anywhere or anyhow. Vocalists at their best are always selective in their consumptions, when and how to consume them. A couple of foods seem friendly to the taste bud and interesting to individuals, facilitated by climate, culture, season and economic factor, BUT you might be shocked that some of these foods are disastrous to the vocal chord (major voice producing organ responsible for singing).

I will highlight some good food which their consumption isn't vocal friendly if we make them our favorite.

1) Smoked foods: foods like pop corn, smoked yam and the likes should be reduced to the minimum possible to avert the effect of friction dried materials cause on the surface of the vocal chord. When this friction occurs, it results into bruise on the vocal chord and this will to a large extent deteriorate the quality of voicing the V.C will produce at that point in time.

2) Oily foods: These make the vocal chord slippery and discharge unnecessarily. You tend to hear unwanted extra note (sound) that is not part of your line when you sing. The gist here is that, this unwanted extra sound you observe might not be relevant with the trend of this music you are doing (it could be a note out of the root key of the song you are doing at that particular time), then you hear your instructor telling you "you are flattening" and you begin to wonder how come you couldn't hold firm your last note.

3) Iced drinks/food: Of a truth, certain climatic situations will warrant you to want to have chilled intake to rescue your dried throat, but hear this, this is one of the place sacrifice comes in. Whatever chilled or iced drink will do to you at that point in time, water or drinks at normal room temperature will do same for a vocalist or aspiring vocalist. (There are exceptions though, but the gist is you don't make it a favorite).

Another point to note in food intake is time of eating.

A vocalist doesn't just eat at his or her convenience or just anytime he gets them. It is expedient to know that a vocalist can only take dinner minimum of 2hours before bed, this is to avoid the jam pack of food materials on the vocal chord.

Likewise, the breakfast should come after early morning physical exercise and drinking of 2glasses of water for quick larynx flush.

Knowing fully well that your voice is your asset as a vocalist, you will need to pamper it and give it proper maintenance both medically and strategically in order to prevent your larynx from the disease called LARYNGITIS (it is always a swollen portion of the larynx caused by negligence on the part of regular user like singer and orators). Larynx is the voice producing organ in human.

Factor number two is:


This is major and vital as there is no shortcut to it. A vocalist doesn't just breathe anyhow if you want to achieve good texture and color in your singing.
You must learn to professionally engage your nostrils and your mouth in inspiring and expiring.

Note: A major and sole ingredient for good voicing in singing is the AIR. So the ability to inhale fast and exhale slowly gives you a competitive advantage. Practically, before you start the song, you breathe in/inhale as much air as possible, and while you start to sing, make sure the air only escape through your opened mouth. This makes stunts like vibratone, slur and sustaining possible.

On the next post, I will treat the third factor which is "Tonal Accuracy", thanks for your time out, stay glued here and be informed.

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