"Music Is Equal To My Testimony": Gospel Music Minister, Ufuoma Aaron Reveals In Interview With Pricherman116 Blog | @UsAfuoma - Pricherman116.com | Nigerian / Foreign Gospel Songs | Christian Hip Hop | News | Interviews | Events

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December 09, 2015

"Music Is Equal To My Testimony": Gospel Music Minister, Ufuoma Aaron Reveals In Interview With Pricherman116 Blog | @UsAfuoma

Good Morning and welcome to 'Mit Me'; Pricherman116 Blog's exclusive interview session. May we know you ma?

I am Ufuoma, a gospel artist.

It's an honour having you here.

The pleasure is all mine.

Where is Ufuoma from?

I am from Delta state in Nigeria
Kindly share with us your childhood and educational background. Am a daughter to Professor Francis and Bridget  Onofeghara am the 5th born of 12 children. I did my primary, secondary and university studies at University of Port- Harcourt. Am also currently studying English at the national Open University. Prior to NOUN, you already studied in a university in Port-Harcourt? Yes I studied Industrial Chemistry in UNIPORT.

Wow. Why did you go further to study English after Industrial Chemistry? Is it because daddy is a professor?

Well you can say that too but I've always loved English as course. I still remember growing up and if I hear someone speaking wrong English I always tried to correct them. My dad is currently an Elder at RCCG and my mum is late.

Oh.. Sorry about that. Why did you venture into music when you have a wealth of options?

Well I've always loved music, that has always been my passion. Even though I denied it for years. My family was a music group my mum and all d children. My dad called us the Redeemed Family voices so we always went to sing in programs. And I was also in my school choirs from primary to Secondary school. Also in church choirs too. I decided to go full time into music because it was my calling. I just got tired of doing what I was doing cos I wasn't fulfilled. But in music I find joy and fulfillment.

A lot of youths these days actually chase money in stead of fulfilling destiny. What makes you different?

Wow! If I wanted money I would have gone circular. Music for me like my slogan says is  "music is equal to my testimony" I see music as an opportunity to testify of what God has done and what His still doing and what He will yet do. That's my primary focus. I trust God too much to add other things. And that is not to say there is something wrong with doing good circular music. Its just not my calling. If you also get into music cos of the money alone you will definitely be frustrated.

What advice do you have for those who are actually chasing shadows (probably fame and wealth) instead of giving in to God's will?

Well my advice is always seek the most important thing which is God and just allow Him to work his purpose out for your life. Money is supposed to chase u not the other way round. Add value and you will be valued. Ask God what He has called you to do and who he has called you to be in this industry and stick to it. God will bless you there.

Since you started your music career, have you faced any challenges? If Yes, what are they?

O yes I have faced a lot of challenges. I went professional this year May with the release of my E.P. And its been challenging in the sense that when your invited to a program you don't know what to expect. Cos I don't give a fee for ministrations so whatever is given you count it all joy. But God has been sustaining and remained faithful. Also getting promoters has not been easy. But like I will always say the beginning may be small but I see a brighter future.

Surely. Are you signed to any record label yet?

No not yet. Hoping to be signed on soon.

How has the response to your already released EP been?

It has been so awesome, had so many invitations after its release. Working on the release of the full album in February 2016. So expect more singles before then. You can also check out my tracks on Reverbnation, I'm Ufuoma there.

OK. Are you single or married?

Am happily married to Ebere Aaron and we are blessed with four children. Two girls and Two boys.

Who are those you look up to as mentors?

Wow I will just say a few... Shirley Caesar has always inspired me, Yolanda Adams these women brought me into this contemporary singing. Cos my music back ground was classical. But when I started this contemporary singing these women their music helped me a lot. They are music ministers. I loved how they minister through music. Guess I took a lot from them. Also Sinach. To name a few.

Where do you see yourself in about three years?

In three years time wow! I see myself in so many nations of the world ministering the word in songs. I also see three powerful and anointed albums. I also see myself  giving a lot more to the poor through my charity foundation. Also see a lot of awards. To the glory of God.



If you were not doing music, what would have been your best alternative?

Hmmm I would have been a philanthropist. Just helping people in whatever way I can.

Any words of advice to youths and upcoming music ministers out there?

My advice is stay focused on your calling, keep doing what u where destined to do. The puzzle may look scattered at the beginning but I assure you it will eventually fit in its place cos God will make all things beautiful in its time.

How can your fan friends reach you on social media?

On Facebook am Ufuoma Aaron  they can also like my fb fan page Ufuoma , On IG i'm UfuomaAaron  and on twitter, @usafuoma.

Thanks for being here ma'am. We hope you'll be willing to answer us next time we call on you?

I will sir, thanks a lot. I really do appreciate.

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