Never take NO for an answer. There's nothing too hard for our God to do. Imagine; The parting of the red sea... Bringing Lazarus back to life... The woman with the issue of blood... If you think all those are ancient or from the Bible, Where were you on Sunday October 4th 2015 when Arsenal won Manchester United by 3 goals?! I say make you no take NO for an answer.
Nigeria can win the world cup.. Yes!
We can celebrate a century of uninterrupted power supply.. Yes!
One dollar could be equal to One Naira.. Yes!
God's Own Radicals (GOR) released this great song NEVER SAY NEVER ft Provabs a couple of weeks back. It's beat driven with a unique blend of rap courtesy of Provabs. It inspires life supports that you keep on going for whatever you want. You can be the best. The only limiting factor is you. NEVER SAY NEVER!
Make Never Say Never you ringback tune:
MTN: SEND 709056 TO 4100.
ETISALAT: SEND 90535 TO 251.
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