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May 26, 2016


Pastor William Kumuyi - Damning Little Horn



Topic: Damning Little Horn

Date: Thursday, May 26, 2016

Text: DANIEL 8:1-12

Key Verse:
"And out of one of them came forth a little horn , which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land" (Daniel 8:9).

The last days are upon us. Weigh carefully the times. Look for him who is above all time, eternal and invisible. " That statement was made by a Christian named Ignatius, who lived in 110AD, just a few decades after the first epistle of John was written. From our text, the visions of Daniel reveal the rise and fall of the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian and the Roman empires. 

The ram and the he-goat represent the two kingdoms of Medo-Persians and the Grecians respectively while the little horn from all the circumstances of the prediction find its fulfillment first in Antiochus Epiphanes and finally in the coming world ruler, the Antichrist. In 167 B. C. Antiochus Epiphanes, a Greek ruler, set up an altar to Zeus over the altar of burnt offerings in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. He also sacrificed a pig on the altar in the temple in Jerusalem. This event is known as the abomination of desolation. He dared to occupy Jerusalem, enter the Holy of Holies, and desecrate the sanctuary. Antiochus Epiphanes serves as a foreshadow of the Antichrist to come the days ahead. 

The message of the Little Ho and its attack on the sanctuary is instructive. Saints are surrounded on all sides by belief systems that are an assault on righteousness by grace alone. John the beloved tells us in one of his messages that even now there are many antichrists who are forerunners of the one predicted by Daniel.

Now is the time to patiently wait for Christ's coming. Are you among those waiting for Him? Or, you are allied with Antichrist?

Thought for the day: No matter the pressure, do not give in to the antichrists.

Bible Reading in one Year: 1 SAMUEL 14

DLCM Daily Manna is an inspirational devotional written by Pastor W.F.  Kumuyi. Pastor Kumuyi is the founder and overseer of Deeper Life Bible Ministries.

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