MINE Ministry Presents World Virginity Day | June 11 [@MINEministry] - Pricherman116.com | Nigerian / Foreign Gospel Songs | Christian Hip Hop | News | Interviews | Events

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May 26, 2016


MINE Ministry Presents World Virginity Day | June 11 [@MINEministry]



Teenagers across the world under the umbrella of a teenage ministry would celebrate World Virginity day on Saturday, June 11, 2016 in four (4) countries, 25 locations this year.

The theme of this year’s celebration is PURITY: THE NEW COOL.

This celebration is primarily to create an avenue for teenagers, young adults and the world at large to be sensitized about the importance of sexual purity.

This event is scheduled to hold annually, precisely on the second Saturdays in June and it often takes place in different forms like marches, rallies, forums and the likes.

Sexual purity which used to be a critical aspect of our human sexuality has been relegated to the background over the years which in turn has contributed to some misinformation and sexually decadent act we experience in our society today.

The celebration of World Virginity Day has been on annually for five consecutive years and through the years, many people have come to grasp the essence of our NO SUM (No Sex Until Marriage) message.

Another highlight of the event is the voluntary act of notable personalities in the society who portray themselves as Faces of Purity. This has further served as motivation for the youths that NO SUM is possible.

The event however is not on a mission to ridicule those who have lost their virginity one way or the other but to strengthen them and provide a beacon of hope that they can still live sexually-pure lives regardless of their pasts.
Married couples are also encouraged to stay faithful to their partners.

About MINE Teenage Ministry

MINE Teenage Ministry is a ministry for teenagers which is dedicated to Moulding, Inspiring, Nurturing and Empowering teenagers through various platforms like Secondary School Invasions, Forums, Entrepreneurial training, Skills acquisition and development.

There’s also a church arm The Ark, mandated to nourish the spiritual aspect of teenagers’ lives.

You can reach us through any of our social media platforms.
FB: MINE Magazine friends
Twitter: @Mineministry
IG: @Mineministry

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