Audio + Lyrics: Ori Ire - Mike Abdul [@Mikeabdulng] - | Nigerian / Foreign Gospel Songs | Christian Hip Hop | News | Interviews | Events

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February 12, 2017


Audio + Lyrics: Ori Ire - Mike Abdul [@Mikeabdulng]



“I did not think it should matter so much until i took account of some of my efforts that yielded breakthroughs . The breakthroughs exceeded the efforts , so i know there is a predestination by the Mighty Hand From Heaven . Peradventure you meet GOD on your way through life, help me thank HIM .

I wrote song number 5 off the GRATEFUL EP  , after a sermon by Revd. Victor Adeyemi in a church service i attended . ORI-IRE will inspire something in you” - Mike Abdul

Today is Mike Abdul's 40th birthday and we decided to withhold this last track off his recently release 'Grateful' EP till today. This song titled Ori Ire affirms the fact that as a child of God, WE are destined to make it and we will. You will be blessed by it!

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If you judge me with the now, you may not be right.
Don't judge me with my present predicament, you will just be wrong.
If you judge me with the now, you may not be right.
Don't judge me with my present predicament, you will just be wrong.

E o ri, e o ri bi.
Won ma p'eso l'araba, e o ri bi.
There's a tree in the seed, e o ri bi.
There is greatness in me, e o ri bi.

If you judge me with the now, you may not be right.
Don't judge me with my present predicament, you will just be wrong.
Ema wo'le, wait and see.
E si ma damo, wait and see.
Tell your neighbour, wait and see.
E ba lo calm down, wait and see.
Tell your neighbour "Relax e ma wo'be".

Mo ma s'orire, Tell your neighbour.
Mo ma s'orire, The great man will crawl.
Mo ma s'orire, Then the great man will walk.
Mo ma s'orire, This great man will run.
Mo ma s'orire, Then the great man will fly.
Mo ma s'orire, if the great man soji.
Mo ma s'orire, He will surely achieve it.
Mo ma s'orire

Gbo mi ye, Gbo mi ye.
Hold on through the storm
Believe and be strong
Oh oh ride on Champion
And fight for what you believe
Stand tall don't you give up
Inside of you, there is so much more
And more, so much more
Champion, I'm talking to you.

Tell your neighbour "Relax e ma wo'be".

Mo ma s'orire, iwo mo nbawi.
Mo ma s'orire, Champion
Mo ma s'orire, bo ti wu kori
Mo ma s'orire, o ma s'orire
Mo ma s'orire, waa s'orire
Mo ma s'orire, ori ire
Mo ma s'orire, they will talk your matter
Mo ma s'orire, they will sing it like choir
Mo ma s'orire, waa s'orire
Mo ma s'orire, ori ire
Mo ma s'orire, Igbagbo no dey tire
Mo ma s'orire, Igbagbo no dey tire
Mo ma s'orire, your story will inspire
Mo ma s'orire, your prayer will answer
Mo ma s'orire, ilekun siii
Mo ma s'orire, ilekun siii
Mo ma s'orire, future brighten, your labour fruitful
Mo ma s'orire, i see rising
Mo ma s'orire, higher higher
Mo ma s'orire, desire, acquire
Mo ma s'orire, no matter the weather
Mo ma s'orire,, o ma s'orire
Mo ma s'orire.

Mo ma s'orire, ori ire.
Mo ma s'orire,, ori ire.

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